Open, Inclusive, and Transparent Internet Participation


黃勝雄 Kenny Huang
財團法人台灣網路資訊中心 董事執行長
Board Member and CEO, TWNIC

灣網路資訊中心長期關注台灣網際網路發展,每年定期進行調查瞭解台灣網路發展的脈動與趨勢,「2018台灣網路報告」全國上網人數推估已達1,866萬,整體上網率達79.2%;家戶上網部分,推估全國可上網戶數為705萬戶,上網比例達80.9%;網路邏輯層的部分,台灣 IPv6 使用率在 2018 年 1 月 1 日僅為 0.46%,到 2018 年12 月底 IPv6 使用率約為 29.46%,取得了顯著的成長,顯示台灣的網路環境已有先進國家的水準,網路「硬實力」表現如基礎設施、設備應用和使用普及率等,都相當有競爭力,網路「軟實力」例如應用、創新方面還有很多機會。

網域名稱註冊與IP位址管理為TWNIC核心業務,2018年度在網域名稱註冊,持續拓展網域名稱註冊服務管道,目前共有14家受理註冊機構;建置TWNIC DNS代管服務,輔導TWNIC受理註冊機構提供IPv6及DNSSEC服務,讓台灣用戶享有更安全穩定的網域名稱使用環境;為使網域名稱更多元更貼近使用者習慣,推出at.tw實驗計劃與日本語.tw註冊服務。在IP位址管理,積極推動IPv6;協助TWNIC IP會員Final /8 IPv4申請;建置TWNIC資源公鑰基礎建設(Resource Public Key Infrastructure,RPKI)服務系統,並與APNIC簽署CA憑證,在TWNIC建立一個RPKI可信任的憑證授權中心(Certification Authority,CA),幫助解決路由IP位址前綴錯誤的安全問題,掌握網際網路路由協定的運作,防止路由劫持和其他攻擊。

TWNIC於2019年度將負責台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心(TWCERT/CC)的業務,初期將以情資收集、彙整、分析與分享為核心業務,藉由核心業務作為推廣及宣導主軸,以加強發揮TWCERT/CC於國內資安防護功能角色。國際合作部份,TWNIC不定期與ICANN、APNIC等國際網路組織進行技術交流,舉辦多場 IPv6、DNSSEC等教育訓練,未來我們也將積極爭取國際網路年會或技術活動,提高台灣網路社群對國際網路議題關注,促使國內更多不同社群投入相關的討論。


The development of the Internet in Taiwan has always been an issue of concern for the Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC). Every year, the TWNIC conducts an annual survey to understand the changes and trends in Taiwan's Internet development. The Taiwan Internet Report 2018 estimated that approximately 18.86 million people in Taiwan have access to the Internet, and that the proportion of Internet users in the Taiwanese population is approximately 79.2%. As for household Internet usage, 7.05 million households are estimated to have access to the Internet, which is equivalent to a household Internet user proportion of 80.9%. Additionally, Taiwan has exhibited significant growth in the field of network logical layers: on January 1, 2018, the adoption rate of IPv6 in Taiwan was only 0.46%. By the end of December 2018, the adoption rate of IP version 6 (IPv6) in Taiwan had increased to 29.46%. These statistics indicate that the quality of the network environment in Taiwan is on par with that of developed countries. Particularly, Taiwan is reasonably competitive in the network "hard power" domains, including infrastructure, facility usage, and penetration rate. Taiwan also possesses considerable potential in the network "soft power" domains, such as application and innovation.

Domain name registration and IP address management are the core services of the TWNIC. Throughout 2018, the TWNIC consistently strived to develop new service channels for the registration of domain names. Currently, Taiwan has 14 accredited registrars. To provide a safer and more stable domain name usage environment for Taiwanese Internet users, the TWNIC has also strove to implement the domain name system (DNS) hosting service; this is achieved by guiding the TWNIC's accredited registrars in providing IPv6 and Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) services. To ensure that the provided domain names are diversified and match users' habits, the TWNIC have introduced the at.tw experimental project and a Japanese internationalized domain name (IDN) .tw registration service. In terms of IP address management, the TWNIC has been activity promoting IPv6 and helping TWNIC IP members with the applications of the final /8 IPv4 addresses. Additionally, the TWNIC has been working on the establishment of the TWNIC Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) service system: the TWNIC has signed a memorandum of certification authority (CA) with the Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC). An RPKI-trusted CA center will be established at the TWNIC to help resolve cyber safety problems caused by routing IP address prefix errors, oversee the operation of Internet routing protocols, and prevent route hijacking and other cyberattacks.

In 2019, the TWNIC will be responsible for coordinating the services of the Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center (TWCERT/CC). At the initial stage, efforts will be focused on core services such as intelligence gathering, integration, analysis, and sharing. Subsequently, these core services will be the main theme in the promotion and advocacy work of the TWCERT/CC. This will strengthen the role of the TWCERT/CC as the cyber security guard of Taiwan. In terms of international collaborations, the TWNIC will hold meetings with international Internet organizations such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the APNIC on occasion for technical exchange purposes. The TWNIC has collaborated with these organizations in organizing educational training related to topics such as IPv6 and DNSSEC. In the future, we will also strive to host annual international network conferences and other technical meetings to raise the awareness of Taiwanese Internet communities about international Internet issues and to ultimately facilitate the participation of more diverse communities in discussions related to such issues.

Taiwan's sound infrastructure and mature Internet environment can provide continuous energy to a new wave of economic development. As one of the global Internet governance organizations, the TWNIC will continue to address future issues and challenges with prudence and in alignment with the multistakeholder model. Furthermore, the TWNIC will maintain an open, inclusive, and transparent spirit in collaborating with the domestic and foreign Internet communities.

