2018 in Review

2018 Taiwan Internet Trend Seminar–"Establishing a Co-ownership, Co-governance, and Sharing Digital Network Era"

打造共有、共治、共享的數位網路世代,「2018 網際網路趨勢研討會」邀集我國網路社群及數位公民社會團體,從網路基礎建設、整合應用、社會參與及數位經濟等四大面向,深入探討臺灣在邁向數位網路世代之整備。


The theme for the 2018 Taiwan Internet Trend Seminar was "Establishing a Co-ownership, Co-governance, and Sharing Digital Network Era." In this seminar, Taiwanese Internet communities and digital civil society groups were invited to engage in in-depth discussions about the types of facilities and competencies that Taiwan must equip itself with to progress toward a digital network era. The discussions covered four dimensions, namely network infrastructure, integrated application, social participation, and the digital economy.

In line with the move toward a network-based digitized society, Taiwan must be prepared in various areas to adapt to the effects of the digitization trend; these areas include industry, economy, infrastructure, legal environment, human rights protection, and information security maintenance. Therefore, in honor of the basic spirit of the Internet, the theme "Establishing a Co-ownership, Co-governance, and Sharing Digital Network Era" was chosen for the 2018 Taiwan Internet Trend Seminar. The TWNIC collaborated with the Taiwan Internet Governance Forum and the Open Culture Foundation to organize forum sessions. Taiwanese Internet communities and digital civil society groups were invited to discuss a co-ownership, co-governance, and sharing digital network era belonging to the online civil society. The discussion covered several areas, including, society, economy, governance, and technology.

TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting/ Taiwan Network Operators' Group

2018年度分別舉辦2次「TWNIC IP政策資源管理會議暨 TWNOG」之系列活動。

TWNIC IP OPM會議為提供臺灣網路界一個可以討論 IP網路技術相關議題的社群與機制平台,希望藉此促進網際網路相關產業發展為目標,結合台灣網路維運相關社群(TWNOG),提供各界有關網路技術研究、產業發展之溝通交流平台,彙集臺灣地區各ISP業者之意見提供相關IP政策及管理機制。2018年度會議議題針對台灣及全球的新興網路服務的重要關鍵技術及應用服務的發展趨勢進行研討交流。

In 2018, the TWNIC organized the TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting (OPM)/ Taiwan Network Operators' Group (TWNOG) meeting on two occasions.

The TWNIC IP OPM was organized to provide an interactive community and discussion platform for various stakeholders in Taiwan's Internet industries to discuss issues related to IP technology. It was hoped that this meeting could facilitate the development of Taiwan's Internet industries, integrate the opinions of Internet service providers from different regions of Taiwan, and in turn come up with relevant IP policies and management systems. The 2018 meeting focused on discussing the key technologies of emerging Internet services in Taiwan and the world and the development trends of application services.
