
Take a look back at 2020, with our review of all the main events.
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財團法人台灣網路資訊中心 | TWNIC
董事長 | Chairman
李育杰 | Yuh-Jye Lee


2020年在人類歷史中將會是一個獨特的一年,COVID-19疫情的衝擊不僅讓網路的需求迅速增加,也加速了企業的數位轉型的需求與急迫性。從因應分隔兩地的溝通需求而大幅成長的視訊會議、解決日常生活需求的線上購物到企業實施Work from home所需要的線上協作工具;網路相關的服務需求在2020顯著成長,考驗了企業與民眾對數位轉型的接受程度,在過去一年,國際上的網路事務發展也面臨了各種不同的改變,.org頂級網域名稱的出售討論、各國對數位稅收的提案、民眾依賴網路緩解疫情所帶來的影響、商業活動藉由網路成長、不實資訊對疫情、選舉等的影響、遠距教學及在家上班需求帶來對網路基礎設施的負擔及資安風險的成長,網路所需要的安全性、穩定性及韌性在此時受到了非常大的考驗。

網路空間的治理需要政府、學術社群、技術社群、公民社群、民營企業等不同的利害關係人一同參與討論與發展政策,財團法人台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC)身為「. tw/.台灣」網域名稱及IP位址發放業務註冊管理機構,結合台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心(TWCERT/CC)在資安上的專業,一直都在網路空間的前方與台灣的網路社群合作。

這些珍貴的合作經驗是我們在代表台灣與世界連結時最珍貴的資產,TWNIC負責營運.tw/.台灣網域名稱、IP位址分配及所提供的服務如:Quad 101 DNS及 RPKI等穩定運作,也藉由鼓勵參與台灣網路講堂、教育訓練及研討會,擴大接觸國內利害關係人,深化在網路空間治理議題上的討論,並提供國際網路組織發展現況等資訊,持續支持國內網路社群發展與茁壯。


Building and Promoting a Discussion Platform based on a Multistakeholder Network Model

2020 will be marked as a unique year in human history. The impacts of COVID-19 have not only caused a rapid increase in the need for Internet but have increased enterprises’ need and urgency for digital transformation.

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The need for Internet-related services also grew considerably in 2020. For example, to address the substantial growth in communication needs caused by physical separation, businesses and individuals relied on video conferencing. Online auxiliary tools for online shopping systems (to address daily needs) and work-from-home systems for enterprises also became necessary. These changes also tested the receptivity toward digital transformation of both enterprises and the public. In the past year, various changes have also occurred in the development of international network affairs; for example, discussions on the selling of .org top-level domain names, the proposal of digital tax collection by countries worldwide, the reliance of the public on the Internet to alleviate the influence of the pandemic, the growth of commercial activities with the help of Internet, and the influence of false information on the pandemic and election. The increase in information security risk and the burdens that remote teaching and work-from-home have imposed on network infrastructures as well as the security, stability, and resilience of networks were other challenging issues of the past year.

Internet governance requires various stakeholders—including the government, academia, the technology community, civil society, and private enterprises—to participate in relevant discussion and policy development. The Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) is the registry responsible for “. tw/.台灣” domain name and IP address allocation. Given the expertise of the TWNIC in this field as well as the competence of the Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center (TWCERT/CC ) in information security, both centers have consistently been involved in cutting edge collaboration with Taiwanese online communities.

These valuable experiences are our most critical assets in helping Taiwan connect with the world. The TWNIC is responsible for operations related to .tw/.台灣domain name and IP address allocation. TWNIC is also responsible for the stable operation of services that the center provides, including Quad 101 DNS and RPKI. By encouraging public participation in the Taiwan Online Lecture series, education and training sessions, and conferences, the TWNIC continues to expand its contact with stakeholders in Taiwan and deepen the discussions related to network space governance. Through these outreach efforts, the TWNIC also provides information on the current development status of international network organizations, and continually support the development and thriving of online communities in Taiwan.

The TWNIC has established and promoted a discussion platform that is based on the multistakeholder network model; this platform has enabled Taiwanese online communities to share their opinions on topics such as network technology, application, services, policies, and trends. Furthermore, the TWNIC also collaborates with international network organizations such as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) on matters such as network policy, network development, network technology, and information security, in the hope that a more stable and safer network environment can be cocreated in the future.


財團法人台灣網路資訊中心 | TWNIC
董事暨執行長 | Managing Director and CEO
黃勝雄 | Kenny Huang





隨著RPKI 推動計畫滿兩週年,TWNIC則舉辦 RPKI Day活動,鼓勵IP位址擁有者完成簽署路由來源授權,在超過98%的IPv4位址已簽署RPKI ROA後啟動第二階段,鼓勵ISP連接路由來源驗證伺服器,一同強化路由安全。


TWNIC所推動的網路中介者共同協議規範則以網路規範驅動(Cyber Norms)觀點提出網路著作權保護意識,帶領台灣整體正視著作權議題的重要性,也可即時提供對著作權人即時保護。


Improvement in Internet Governance Requires the Participation of Various Stakeholders

Taiwan has exhibited consistent progress in terms of Internet and information technology. With the spreading of COVID-19 and the introduction of 5G technology in many countries in 2020, the need for advanced technology has grown exponentially. Taiwan’s development in the information and communication industry means it is favorably positioned to satisfy relevant technological needs. Numerous countries have been severely affected by COVID-19, but Taiwan’s success in combating the pandemic has enabled it to maintain a relative growth advantage. However, with improvements in the global pandemic scenario, whether such an advantageous position can be maintained remains in question.

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Fortunately, because of the joint efforts of online communities worldwide as well as the coordination of content providers, ISPs, and key infrastructure operators, the Internet is still operating stably and serving all network users. As part of the Internet community, the TWNIC has consistently collaborated and coordinated with global network organizations. It has also worked with other Taiwanese agencies to maintain the stable development of the Taiwanese network space. Faced with ever-increasing information security threats, the TWNIC has been providing joint-defense intelligence information for its Taiwanese members and enterprises by collaborating with international information security organizations, in addition to drawing support from the expertise of the TWCERT/CC in information security.

In the past year, the TWNIC has invited experts from diverse fields to share their views on relevant network matters in the Taiwan Online Lecture series; the purpose of organizing these lectures is to invite Taiwanese online communities to participate in dialogue on topics related to network technology, applications, services, policies, and trends.

To commemorate the second anniversary of the RPKI project implementation, the TWNIC organized an RPKI Day event to encourage IP address owners to complete the signing of Route Origin Authorization (ROA). After RPKI ROA has been completed for more than 98% of the IPv4 address, the second stage, which involves encouraging ISPs to connect to the route origin verification server as a joint effort to strengthen routing security, will be initiated.

2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the domain name dispute resolution mechanism. By employing this mechanism, the TWNIC has resolved approximately 300 domain name disputes. In short, this mechanism serves as a fair, rapid, and effective alternative dispute resolution mechanism for domain name owners.

The Mutually Agreed Norms for Internet intermediaries (MANII) proposed by the TWNIC promotes the awareness of online copyright protection on the basis of the cyber norms concept. The promulgation of the MANII has highlighted the importance of copyright matters among Taiwanese stakeholders. Moreover, the MANII provides instantaneous protection for copyright holders.

The TWNIC strives to provide services to relevant stakeholders and improve Taiwan’s Internet space. The multistakeholder model of Internet governance, a decision-making model that is highly regarded by the international online communities, is promoted by the TWNIC. The TWNIC endeavors to continually exchange opinions with relevant stakeholders, gain an understanding of the stakeholders’ needs, and adopt this knowledge as the direction for future improvement. In doing so, the TWNIC considers and respects the opinions of all stakeholders in maintaining the stability and safety of the network space.



是一家中立與非營利性的財團法人機構,負責頂級國碼網域名稱 (country code Top Level Domain name, ccTLD) .tw及.台灣註冊管理、IP位址發放、台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心(TWCERT/CC)之維運及管理。除了提供全面的網路服務之外,也積極參加各種不同國際網路組織,使台灣的網際網路社群與全球網際網路社群接軌。TWNIC並與不同之網路社群合作,俾能藉由公開與通透的參與以持續促進網際網路的使用與應用。

Taiwan Network Information Center, TWNIC

The TWNIC is a neutral nonprofit foundation in charge of registering country code top-level domain names (ccTLD) (i.e., .tw, and .台灣), assigning IP addresses, and maintaining and managing the TWCERT/CC. Aside from providing comprehensive network services, the TWNIC proactively engages in diverse international network organizations to connect domestic and global network communities. Furthermore, the TWNIC collaborates with network communities and publicly and transparently promotes Internet usage and applications.




Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center

(TWCERT/CC) was established in the National Sun Yat-sen University on September, 1998. With the guidance of the Department of Cyber Security, Executive Yuan and the National Communications Commission, TWNIC again operates the TWCERT/CC since January 2019.

To enhance Taiwan's cyber security capacity, TWCERT/CC leads the promotion of cyber security incident reporting, provision of cyber security educational resources, and cyber security outreaches. Sponsored by the government, TWCERT/CC collaborates and integrates resources with cyber security organizations, academic institutions, civil communities, governmental institutions, private enterprises, and CERTs/CSIRTs all over the world to strengthen the public-private partnership on cyber security issues.


.tw/.台灣 Domain Name Registration



為提供更多元的「.tw」及「. 台灣」域名註冊服務,TWNIC於民國89年開始陸續遴選出受理註冊機構(Registrar),拓展服務管道,截至109年底我國頂級國碼直接授權之受理註冊機構包括協志聯合科技股份有限公司、亞太電信股份有限公司、中華電信股份有限公司數據通信分公司、網路中文資訊股份有限公司、網路家庭國際資訊股份有限公司、新世紀資通股份有限公司、台灣固網股份有限公司、Neustar, Inc.、馬來西亞商崴勝網路服務股份有限公司台灣分公司、Corporation Service Company (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.、中華國際通訊網路股份有限公司、GANDI SAS、捕夢網數位科技股份有限公司、Topnets Group Limited與Key-Systems GmbH等15家受理註冊機構。

為使.tw域名品牌觸及更多使用者,109年度除了持續推出「」網域名稱轉址服務及「域名飄 愛心揚 根留台灣」慈善公益活動 外,也推出.tw網域名稱保留字拍賣,將拍賣所得全數捐贈,推動數位公益計畫。

TWNIC於民國90年制訂「財團法人台灣網路資訊中心網域名稱爭議處理辦法暨實施要點(TWDRP)」,以一套更快速、有效的訴訟外紛爭解決機制。109年度經網域名稱爭議處理機制執行之案件共計11件(11筆網域名稱),分別為6件(6筆網域名稱) 由資策會科技法律研究所受理,5件(5筆網域名稱)由台北律師公會受理。截至109年底,其專家小組決定結果為9件移轉(9筆網域名稱);1件取消(1筆網域名稱);1件程序進行中(1筆網域名稱)

The TWNIC is responsible for the management of .tw and .台灣 domain name registrations. To fulfill market demands and in an effort to provide registration service in more languages, the TWNIC introduced the domain name auction and internationalized domain name (IDN) registration service of Korean, Thai, German and French in 2020.

By the end of 2020, the total number of .tw/.台灣 domain names registered was 1,202,150, comprising 452,139 Third Level Domain Names, 749,419 Second Level Domain Names, and 592 at .tw domain names.

To provide diverse .tw and .台灣 domain name services, TWNIC has been accrediting registrars since 2000, thereby expanding the means and convenience of domain name registration services. By 2020, a total of 15 registrars had been accredited: TISNet Technology Inc., Asia Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd., Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Data Communications Branch, Net-Chinese Co., Ltd., PChome Online Inc., New Century InfoComm Tech Co., Ltd., Taiwan Fixed Network Co., Ltd., Neustar Inc., Qinetics Solutions Sdn. Bhd. Taiwan Branch, Corporation Service Company (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Chunghwa International Communication Network Co., Ltd., GANDI SAS, Pumo Network Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Topnets Group Limited and Key-Systems GmbH.

In 2001, the TWNIC formulated the TWNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (TWDRP) for resolving disputes quickly and effectively. In 2020, 11 dispute cases (11 domain names) were processed using this resolution mechanism. 6 of the dispute cases (6 domain names) were appealed by the Science and Technology Law Institute of the Institute of Information Industry, and 5 dispute cases (5 domain names) were initiated by the Taipei Bar Association. In accordance with the decisions made by the panelists, 9 of the dispute cases (9 domain names) were transferred; 1 (1 domain name) was dismissed; 1(1 domain names) were in progress.


IP Address Allocation Service


網際網路已成為生活上不可或缺的一環,從早期的電腦使用,已演變到無所不在,物物連網都需要有 IP 的重要基礎設施。台灣 IP 位址至2020年底核發數量,在 IPv4 位址發放數量統計上,台灣共取得3,569萬個 IPv4 位址,數量居全球第15名;取得的 IPv6 數量為2,555個 /32 IPv6 位址;核發的自治系統號碼(ASN)為372個。IP(Internet Protocol)位址即網際網路協定位址,如同門牌地址,主要提供用戶於網際網路上接收與傳送資訊。因應全球IPv4位址用罄,啟用IPv6更符合未來多元行動終端及萬物聯網發展需求,尤其是物聯網、智慧家庭、車聯網/自駕車、智慧城市及醫療健康照護等應用。網際網路版本6(IPv6, Internet Protocol version 6)是下一代網際網路協定,它被設計用來替代當前網際網路通訊協定IPv4,位址長度由32位元提升至128位元,IPv6位址空間多達2的128次方個位址。因此,IPv6可以直接解決物聯網面臨之位址不足問題,並且保持網路互連透通性,物體裝置可以進行任何形式之雙向連線。

108年中華電信,遠傳,台哥大及亞太預設提供 IPv4/IPv6 雙協定服務,並推動台灣寬頻通訊 (TBC)成為第一家採用IPv4/IPv6 的有線電視系統業者。依據APNIC IPv6量測網站資料指出,台灣IPv6使用者比例至109年底為51.1%,全球排名第6。

The Internet has become an indispensable part of modern life. From an era when the Internet was only available on computers, it has evolved to become omnipresent. Currently, almost all modern devices require an IP address to be connected to the Internet. At the end of 2020, Taiwan was ranked 15th globally in terms of the number of IPv4 addresses possessed (i.e., 35.69 million addresses). The number of IPv6 addresses obtained by Taiwan by the end of 2020 was approximately 2,555 /32 IPv6 address blocks, whereas the number of autonomous system numbers issued was approximately 372.

An IP address is similar to a property address in real life. Its purpose is to enable users to receive or transmit information on the Internet. In response to the global exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, IPv6 was introduced to replace IPv4. IPv6 is regarded as being able to better fulfill the developmental needs of future diversified mobile terminals and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, particularly for IoT applications, such as smart homes, Internet-connected vehicles/self-driving cars, smart cities, and medical healthcare applications. The length of IPv6 addresses is 128 bits (as opposed to 32 bits in IPv4 addresses), which means that IPv6 address space allows for 2128 unique IPv6 addresses. Therefore, IPv6 can resolve the problem of insufficient addresses faced by the IoT industry and can maintain the transparency of network interconnections; devices can carry out any form of bidirectional connection.

The Chunghwa Telecom, FETnet, Taiwan Mobile and Asia Pacific Telecom provided dual stack iPv4/ IPv6 service by default. And the Taiwan Broadband Communications, Co., Ltd. has become the first MSO to provide iPv4/ IPv6 service.

According to data from the APNIC's website for measuring IPv6, the adoption rate of IPv6 in Taiwan by the end of 2020 was 51.1%, meaning Taiwan was ranked 6th in iPv6 usage globally.

3F., No. 123, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei 105, Taiwan
客服電話/Customer Service: +886-2-25287299
總機/Telephone: +886-2-25289696  傳真/Fax: +886-2-25287756