
2020 Timeline

日期 事項 Date Event
1月 3日 辦理DTA-TWNIC產業創新趨勢研討會 Jan 3 Organize the DTA-TWNIC industrial innovation trend conference
7日 域名新制:「中文.台灣」及「中文.tw」分流註冊 7 New domain name system: the diversion of registrations for the “中文.台灣” and “中文.tw” domains.
7日 泛用型英文網域名稱「.台灣」優先註冊申請 7 Prioritized registration application for the generic English domain name “.台灣”
31日 發表108年第四季台灣ISP連線頻寬圖 31 Publish the Taiwan ISP Internet Connectivity Bandwidth Graph for Quarter 4 of 2019
2月 5日 召開第88次IP位址及網路協定委員會議 Feb 5 Convene the 88th IP Address and Protocol Meeting
6日 召開2月份Registrar協調會議 6 Convene the February Registrar coordination meeting
12日 召開 APNOW會議 12 Convene the Antiphishing Notification Window (APNOW) meeting
16-24日 參加APTLD會議(地點:澳洲墨爾本) 16-24 Participate in the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Name Association (APTLD) meeting (location: Melbourne, Australia)
17-22日 參加APNIC 49會議(地點:澳洲墨爾本) 17-22 Participate in the Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) 49 meeting(location: Melbourne, Australia)
25日 辦理台灣網路講堂-全球網路的分裂危機:解讀IGF 2019座談會 25 Organize the Taiwan Online Lecture series “The secession crisis of the global network: decoding the IGF2019”
24-28日 參加RSA 會議(地點:美國舊金山) 24-28 Participate in the RSA meeting (location: San Francisco, United States)
3月 7-12日 參與ICANN 67次遠端視訊會議 Mar 7-12 Participate in the ICANN67 remote video conference
11日 參加APCERT Cyber Drill 演練活動 11 Participate in the Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT) Cyber Drill
23日 召開第7屆第5次監察人會議 23 Convene the 5th meeting of the 7th term of the board of supervisors
25日 辦理台灣網路講堂-智慧音箱的智慧生活與安全隱私之戰 25 Organize the Taiwan online lecture “Who is eavesdropping? The conflict between smart lifestyle and privacy security concerns of smart speakers”
27日 召開第7屆第10次董事會議 27 Convene the 10th board meeting for the 7th term of the board of directors
4月 23-24日 辦理 ISMS/BS10012/QMS 內部稽核 Apr 23-24 Conduct ISMS/BS10012/QMS internal auditing
29日 辦理IPv6網安技術人才培訓教育訓練(雲林場次) 29 Conduct the IPv6 Network Security Technology talent education and training (Yunlin session)
28日 召開第7屆董事監察人補選遴選委員會第5次會議 28 Convene the 5th selection committee meeting for the director supervisor by-election for the 7th term of the board of directors.
5月 14-15日 辦理 ISMS/BS10012/QMS 外部稽核 May 14-15 Conduct ISMS/BS10012/QMS external auditing
18-22日 辦理內部控制監督稽核 18-22 Conduct internal control monitoring auditing
15日 辦理IPv6網安技術人才培訓教育訓練(台北場次) 15 Conduct the IPv6 Network Security Technology talent education and training (Taipei Session)
27日 召開5月份Registrar協調會議 27 Convene the May Registrar Coordination Meeting
29日 辦理台灣網路講堂-若機器能認出那張臉:數位時代的人臉辨識與人權挑戰 29 Organize the Taiwan Online Lecture series “Machine facial recognition: Human face recognition and human rights challenges in the digital age”
6月 1日 召開第89次IP位址及網路協定委員會議 Jun 1 Convene the 89th IP Address and Protocol Meeting
2日 辦理台灣網路講堂-新冠肺炎與數位治理:劃定隱私界線與打擊假訊息 2 Organize the Taiwan Online Lecture series “COVID-19 and digital governance: Drawing the privacy boundary and combating fake news”
5日 召開網域名稱爭議處理辦法調修專家諮詢會議 5 Convene the expert consultation meeting for the revision of the “TW Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy”
8日 召開第58次網路安全委員會 8 Convene the 58th Network Security Committee meeting
22日 網域名稱申請註冊EPP介面全面上線 22 The official launch of the EPP interface for domain name application
22-25日 參與ICANN 68次遠端視訊會議 22-25 Participate in the ICANN68 remote video conference
23日 TWNIC因應電信管理法修訂IP位址代理發放權徵選公告與說明 23 Promulgation and briefing on the release of IP address proxy issuance right by the TWNIC in response to the amendment of the “Telecommunication Management Act”
23日 辦理IPv6網安技術人才培訓教育訓練(高雄場次) 23 Conduct the IPv6 Network Security Technology talent education and training (Kaohsiung session)
24日 召開第7屆第6次監察人會議 24 Convene the 6th meeting of the 7th term of the board of supervisors
29日 舉辦TWNIC IP會員會議暨RPKI教育訓練 29 Organize the TWNIC IP member meeting and RPKI education and training
30日 召開第7屆第11次董事會議 30 Convene the 11th meeting of the 7th term of the board of directors
7月 1日 新版「網際網路位址及頂級網域名稱註冊管理業務監督辦法」正式發布施行 Jul 1 Official promulgation and implementation of the revised “Regulations for Supervising Internet Protocol Address and Top-Level Domain Name Registration Services”
2日 辦理台灣網路講堂-DNS - over - HTTPS 與網路治理:隱私保護美意如何變成網路惡棍 2 Organize the Taiwan Online Lecture series “DNS-over-HTTPS and Internet governance: Has goodwill in privacy protection turned into online bullying?”
3日 TWNIC Blog全新改版 深入全球網路觀點 3 The brand revamp of the TWNIC Blog: Integrating the global network perspective
16日 台灣CERT/CSIRT聯盟109年第1次會議 16 The 1st meeting of the Taiwan CERT/CSIRT alliance in 2020
17日 辦理IPv6網安技術人才培訓教育訓練(雲林場次) 17 Conduct the IPv6 Network Security Technology talent education and training (Yunlin session)
29日 IPv6推廣專家座談會-網路共贏時代 29 IPv6 promotion expert seminar: Win–win in the age of the Internet
31日 辦理IPv6網安技術人才培訓教育訓練(台北場次) 31 Conduct the IPv6 Network Security Technology talent education and training (Taipei session)
31日 召開Registrar年中會議 31 Convene the mid-year Registrar Coordination Meeting
8月 6日 台灣網路講堂-當AI遇上疫情:鼓勵或管制創新? Aug 6 Organize the Taiwan online lecture series “When AI meets the pandemic: Should innovation be encouraged or regulated?”
6日 辦理台灣CERT/CSIRT聯盟「攻擊檢測實務」教育訓練 6 Organize the “Attack Detection Practices” education/training for the Taiwan CERT/CSIRT alliance
11日 召開第90次IP位址及網路協定委員會議 11 Convene the 90th IP Address and Protocol Committee meeting
13日 召開8月份Registrar協調會議 13 Convene the August Registrar Coordination Meeting
19日 台灣網路講堂-發動網路攻擊算挑起戰爭嗎? 19 Organize the Taiwan Online Lecture “Is instigating a cyber-attack tantamount to instigating a war?”
20日 舉辦社交工程防護與案例分享研討會(台中) 20 Organize the social engineering defense and case sharing conference (Taichung session)
27日 召開第111次網域名稱委員會 27 Convene the 111th Domain Name Committee meeting
28日 辦理IPv6網安技術人才培訓教育訓練(高雄場次) 28 Conduct the IPv6 Network Security Technology talent education and training (Kaohsiung session)
9月 3-4日 參與APTLD遠端視訊會議 Sep 3-4 Participate in the APTLD remote video conference
8-10日 APNIC50遠端視訊會議 8-10 Participate in the APNIC 50 remote video conference
15日 國家通訊傳播委員會辦理資安實地稽核 15 Field information security auditing by the National Communications Commission
17日 台灣網路講堂-善用數位科技承先啟後,攜手全球公眾共創未來 17 Organize the Taiwan Online Lecture “Utilizing digital technology in connecting the past and the future, and working hand-in-hand with the global public to create the future”
18日 網域名稱爭議處理20週年研討會 18 Conference to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Domain Name dispute resolution mechanism 
18日 辦理IPv6網安技術人才培訓教育訓練(台北場次) 18 Conduct the IPv6 Network Security Technology talent education and training (Taipei session)
25日 召開第7屆第12次董事會議 25 Convene the 12th meeting of the 7th term of the board of directors
28日 召開109年度第2次APNOW會議 28 Convene the 2nd APNOW meeting for 2020
28日 國家通訊傳播委員會辦理實地查核 28 Field auditing by the National Communications Commission
28日 舉辦Taiwan RPKI Day活動 28 Organize the Taiwan RPKI Day
29 日 參與APCERT Annual Conference (online) 29 Participate in the APCERT Annual Conference (Online)
30日 辦理IPv6網安技術人才培訓教育訓練(高雄場次) 30 Conduct the IPv6 Network Security Technology talent education and training session (Kaohsiung session)
10月 8日 舉辦第34屆IP政策資源管理會議 Oct 8 Organize the 34th IP policy resource management meeting
9日 參與 APEC TEL之安全暨繁榮指導分組(SPSG)遠端視訊會議 9 Participate in the Security & Prosperity Steering Group (SPSG) remote video conference of the APEC TEL
12日 台灣網路講堂-言論自由與內容審查:失控的使用者PO文誰負責? 12 Organize the Taiwan Online Lecture - “Speech freedom and content review: Who is responsible for the postings of users who are out of control?”
12日 召開第8屆第1次董事、監察人遴選委員會議 12 Convene the 1st selection committee meeting for the director and supervisor by-election for the 8th term of the board of directors
14-15日 參與 APEC TEL 61大會遠端視訊會議 14-15 Participate in the remote video conference of the APEC TEL 61 conference
17-22日 參與ICANN 69次遠端視訊會議 17-22 Participate in the ICANN69 remote video conference
27日 舉辦2020台灣資安通報應變年會 27 Organize the 2020 Taiwan Annual Meeting on the Notification and Response of Information Security
27日 台灣網路講堂-台灣@全球網路海纜 現況與未來.風險與策略 27 Organize the Taiwan Online Lecture - “Taiwan @ global submarine cables: Status and future trends, risks, and strategies”
28-30日 參與 TANET 2020研討會 28-30 Participate in the TANET 2020 conference
11月 6日 召開第8屆第2次董事、監察人遴選委員會議 Nov 6 Convene the 2nd selection committee meeting for the director supervisor by-election for the 8th term of the board of directors
11-12日 協辦2020台灣網路治理論壇(TWIGF) 11-12 Joint organization of the 2020 Taiwan Internet Governance Forum
19日 辦理 ISMS內部稽核 19 Conduct ISMS internal auditing
20日 召開第7屆第13次董事會議 20 Convene the 13th board meeting for 7th term of the board of directors
20日 資訊安全防護及案例分享研討會​(台南) 20
20日 台灣網路講堂-域名之扣押與沒收:以司法實務操作為中心 20 Taiwan Online Lecture: “The detention and confiscation of domain names: Actual law-enforcement practices as the core”
26日 資訊安全防護及案例分享研討會​(新北) 26 Organize the information security protection and case sharing seminar (New Taipei City session)
26日 辦理社群平台研討會 26 Organize the social platform seminar
12月 2日 召開第59次網路安全委員會 Dec 2 Convene the 59th Network Security Committee meeting
2日 不實資訊的傳播源頭識別:以COVID-19為例研究結果發表會 2 Identification of the source of false information dissemination: Presentation session of COVID-19-based research results
3日 召開第112次網域名稱委員會 3 Convene the 112th Domain Name Committee meeting
3日 辦理台灣CERT/CSIRT聯盟會議 3 Organize the Taiwan CERT/CSIRT alliance meeting
11-14日 辦理109年度台中資訊月展覽 11-14 Organize the 2020 Taichung IT Month Exhibition
14日 舉辦IP位址申請推廣暨RPKI教育訓練(高雄) 14 IP address application promotion and RPKI education/training (Kaohsiung session)
18日 舉辦受理註冊機構年終會議 18 Organize the registrar agency year-end meeting
18日 舉辦資安研討會(台中) 18 Organize the Information Security Seminar (Taichung session)
21日 新頂級域名暨數位品牌高峰論壇 21 The New Top-Level Domain Name and Digital Brand Summit
31日 召開第8屆第1次董事會議 31 Convene the 1st meeting of the 8th term of the board of directors
31日 召開第8屆第2次董事會議 31 Convene the 2nd meeting of the 8th term of the board of directors

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