
2020 in Review






因應網際網路快速發展時可能發生的網域名稱爭議,財團法人台灣網路資訊中心(Taiwan Network Information Center , TWNIC)早於民國90年就制訂「財團法人台灣網路資訊中心網域名稱爭議處理辦法暨實施要點(TWDRP)」,選定具處理網域名稱爭議資格的專家,組成「專家小組」,以公正、快速、有效之訴訟外紛爭解決機制來處理網域名稱爭議事件。



Conference to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the domain name dispute resolution mechanism

To address domain name disputes that may arise during the rapid development phase of the Internet, the Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) drafted and implemented the “TW Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy” (TWDRP) in 2001. Additionally, experts with relevant qualifications in resolving domain name disputes are selected to form an expert panel; with the support of this panel, domain name–related disputes can be promptly resolved by using a fair, rapid, and effective alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

On March 29, 2001, the TWNIC signed an official contract with the Science and Technology Law Institute and the Taipei Bar Association to collaborate on the resolution of disputes related to country code top-level domain suffix “.tw” or “.台灣.” As of July 1, 2020, more than 250 domain name dispute cases had been handled.

2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the domain name dispute resolution mechanism in Taiwan. Therefore, the TWNIC invited experts with rich practical experience in this field to share their knowledge related to domain name dispute resolution. Through observations of domain name development trends as well as the exchange of opinions on network space governance, the TWNIC hopes that all relevant parties would be able to gain a deeper understanding of the future dynamic of the Internet.


TWNIC IP政策資源管理會議


2020年度舉辦第34屆「TWNIC IP政策資源管理會議(Open Policy Meeting, OPM)」。 會議提供臺灣網路界一個可以討論 IP網路技術相關議題的社群與機制平台,希望藉此促進網際網路相關產業發展為目標,提供各界有關網路技術研究、產業發展之溝通交流平台,彙集臺灣地區各ISP業者之意見提供相關IP政策及管理機制。2020年度會議議題藉由不同的特別興趣小組(Special Interest Group, SIG)從網際安全、國際合作、政策與法規及IPv6 佈建發展等主題針對台灣及全球的新興網路服務的重要關鍵技術及應用服務的發展趨勢進行研討交流。

TWNIC IP Open Policy Meetings

In 2020, the TWNIC organized the 34th TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting (OPM).
The TWNIC IP OPM was organized to provide an interactive community and discussion platform for various stakeholders in Taiwan's Internet industries to discuss issues related to IP technology. It was hoped that this meeting could facilitate the development of Taiwan's Internet industries, integrate the opinions of Internet service providers from different regions of Taiwan, and in turn come up with relevant IP policies and management systems. The 2020 meeting gathered a variety of SIGs (Special Interest Groups) such as Cyber Security, International Cooperation, Compliance and IPv6 Deployment to explore critical issues.





Taiwan Annual Meeting on Notification and Response to Information Security

Given the ever-changing global information environment and the rapid development of Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and 5G technology, information security concerns have become a prominent subject in the digital economy field. Information security intelligence and information security event response is of great importance to enterprises. The core objectives of this event are as follows: gain a head start in the field of information security by adopting an international perspective, engage in preplanned defense using information security intelligence from both inside and outside Taiwan, encourage the establishment of reporting and consultation channels for information security events to respond to such events, and ultimately reduce the impact and damage of hacking on enterprises. This event will also feature the sharing of experience of Taiwanese enterprises’ in establishing the Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), obtaining international recognition for enterprise products, and ultimately enhancing their brand image. Industry and academia are cordially invited to participate in the exchange and the preemptive planning effort; this would enable all the involved parties to gain a head start in information security joint defense and response, enhance the information defense ability of Taiwanese enterprises, and ultimately achieve the information security joint defense targets.


  1. 網域名稱爭議處理辦法調修專家諮詢會議 (6/5)
  2. Taiwan RPKI Day(9/28)
  3. 台灣資安 CERT/CSIRT 聯盟會議 (12/3)

The TWNIC also co-organized the following conferences for all TWNIC businesses:

  1. Expert Consultation Meeting for the revision of the “TW Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy”(6/5)
  2. Taiwan RPKI Day(9/28)
  3. CERT/Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Alliance Meeting (12/3)

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