
2019 in Review


Community Participation

「域名飄 愛心揚 根留台灣」慈善公益活動


秉持回饋社會之宗旨,自民國90年起與受理註冊機構共同舉辦「域名飄、愛心揚、根留台灣」慈善捐款活動,以「一筆註冊、無限希望」概念,提撥固定比例之域名註冊費作為公益用途,幫助弱勢族群或偏遠地區,並且公開徵選縮短數位落差之公益計畫。108 年度計畫徵選分別與新北市家庭照顧者關懷協會、社團法人台灣愛希望兒童關懷發展協會、財團法人心路社會福利基金會、社團法人臺南市樂活關愛協會、財團法人愛盲基金會、社團法人臺東縣失智者關懷協會、社團法人新竹縣愛鄰社區關懷協會、社團法人高雄市劉大潭希望工程關懷協會等8家合作,期盼能為社會盡一份棉薄之力。

TWNIC Charity Campaign

The TWNIC commits itself to social responsibility. Since 2001, the TWNIC has held the charity campaign to establish the brand images of .tw/.台灣 domain name services, gather resources for shortening the digital divide in Taiwan. This campaign is aimed at creating hope through domain name registration by allocating a fixed proportion of domain name registration fees toward public welfare projects, Through call for proposal, 8 NGO's projects were selected in 2019.




Executing the .tw digital charity project

To give back to society, the TWNIC initially held a .tw reserved domain name auction and donated the income to the two non-profit groups that passed the proposal review: the Industrial IoT Big Data Research Center, National Taitung University and the Taiwan Association for Human Rights. The charity project sought project proposals to build comprehensive digital services, reduce digital divides, and popularize information education to assist digitally disadvantaged groups and improving their access to digital participation rights, which are needed in the digital age.


全球社會在數位時代中面臨了如安全、公平、道德和人權等問題,而當前的國際合作方式與合作程度仍不足以因應這些挑戰。國內外的社群成員面對這些新的科技發展議題衝擊時所形成的意見與想法需要表達及參與討論的管道。鼓勵各個層面的利害關係人積極參與網路治理議題的討論,即為促進利害關係人合作、瞭解相關議題,並建立對議題共識的方法之一。台網中心因此舉辦8場座談及研討會,讓參與的社群成員能參與對相關議題的討論並表達意見。 以下為各場次會議清單:

  1. 「以AI之矛,攻AI之盾」研討會
  2. 「從裁罰案例談起—GDPR的蝴蝶效應」座談會
  3. 「網路社群與數位合作」專家座談會
  4. 掌握參與全球網路政策制定的機會
  5. 新全民公敵—不實訊息
  6. 「EuroDIG 2019臺灣參與經驗分享」研討會
  7. 網路盜版侵權防制對策座談會
  8. 從網路基礎建設安全談RPKI與DDoS

Holding Internet forums and seminars for experts and scholars

The world faces security, equity, ethics, and human rights concerns in the digital age, and the current level of international cooperation is insufficient to meet these challenges. Opinions and ideas from members of communities at home and abroad require a channel for expression and discussion. Encouraging multistakeholders to proactively engage in network governance discussions is a way to promote cooperation among stakeholders, understand relevant problems, and establish consensual countermeasures. Accordingly, the TWNIC held eight forums and seminars and allowed community members to participate in discussions to express their thoughts on relevant matters. The forums and seminars are listed as follows:

  1. The “Using AI against AI” seminar
  2. The “From the View of Punishment Cases–The Butterfly Effect of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)” forum
  3. The “Network Community and Digital Learning” expert symposium
  4. The opportunity to help develop global network policies introduction
  5. The “New Common Enemy–False Information” seminar
  6. The “European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) 2019 Taiwan participation experience-sharing” seminar
  7. The forum to prevent and create solutions for online piracy infringement
  8. The “RPKI and DDoS from the view of Internet infrastructure safety” conference



Organizing a forum for preventing and creating solutions for online piracy infringement

This forum explored matters and countermeasures regarding online infringement of civil and criminal laws and highlighted the obstacles current right holders encounter though actual cases and historical statistics. This forum also discussed whether such problems can be solved by community autonomy.


網路中介者(Internet Intermediary)是促使自然人與法人在網際網路上產生互動的服務提供商,其範圍相當廣泛且多樣,希望能透過多方利害關係人模式,共同建立以導正國內網路秩序、維繫社會穩定與安全的網路中介者治理機制。

Convening Internet Intermediary Governance Task Force (IIGTF) meetings

Internet intermediaries are service providers that promote interaction between natural and juristic persons on the Internet. Relevant services provided are extensive and diverse. Service providers are expected to jointly establish an Internet intermediary governance mechanism to strengthen domestic cyber order and maintain social stability and safety.


  1. 協辦2019 網路治理研習營
  2. 協辦COSCUP 2019 開源人年會
  3. 協辦TANET 2019 臺灣網際網路研討會
  4. 協辦2019 SITCON學生計算機年會

The TWNIC continues supporting the development of Taiwanese network communities and co-organizes relevant seminars.

  1. Co-organized the 2019 Internet Governance Camp
  2. Co-organized the Conference for Open Source Coders, Users, and Promoters (COSCUP) 2019
  3. Co-organized the Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET) 2019
  4. Co-organized the 2019 Students’ Information Technology Conference (SITCON)